Monday, April 16, 2012

Word to the wise Chad style

cash flow is one of the biggest challenges when you start, especially if you're
working within the arbitrage affiliate model where you are make an income based
On the value differential.
One has to be careful not to spend the advertising budget on secondary items.
The 80/20 rule applies here. In this context the rule is: he majority of your results and
traffic are going to come from a minority of all the testing you're doing.

Your job is to identify the sites, keywords, ad groups, and traffic sources giving
your best/most returns, and to reinvest your time and money there to scale.

Once you start making good money, that's not the time to buy the
next course, or a new laptop when your existing one is working
just fine, or going on a vacation.

Your companies money isn't your money, remember that.

You should be re-investing in marketing, outsourcing to work
faster and more effectively, and software ONLY if needed.

Now I'm not saying educating yourself isn't important, but
understand there is only so much new stuff to learn.The majority
of your day should be spent on driving traffic, building lists
where you can, and testing/presenting your offer or affiliate
offers in a better way.

Enjoy your money, sure, but do you really need that new car or
new house just yet?

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