Saturday, April 21, 2012

More basic common-sense and extremely beneficial health tips

Maintain a low fat diet. Foods that are naturally low in fats are fruits, vegetables, beans and grains. Make sure to check the product labels you buy from the market. Fat content label per serving should not be greater than 2 to 3 grams. It is best to choose fat content of 1 gram of fat per 100 calories. Supplement your body with iron nutrition. Iron can only be taken from food sources such as red meats, fish, poultry, cereals, leafy vegetables and raisins. It serves as a fuel to energize our body by helping in red blood cells production. Take iron-rich foods with Vitamin C for an effective iron absorption. Eat banana for breakfast is an effective weight loss plan known as Miracle Morning Banana Diet. In this diet plan, all you need is to eat banana for breakfast; drink adequate water; no more eating after 8:00 PM and sleep before midnight. It is proven to be effective since bananas increase metabolism. Include high-fiber foods in your diet plan. It is a simple means to maintain health and physical fitness. High-fiber foods can be found in whole foods such as fruits, legumes, nuts, grains and vegetables. Fiber contents can help enhance your energy and will keep you away from diseases such as cardiovascular disease. Treat yourself for a non-fat yogurt and combine it with your favorite fruit slices. Dairy products such as yogurt are naturally rich in Calcium to strengthen bones and vitamin A which plays a great role in making our skin beautiful. Non-fat yogurt also contains friendly bacteria known as probiotics to enhance digestive processes. Drink orange juice or eat orange every day. Citrus fruits are high in Vitamin C that can enhance our immune system which improves our resistance to infection. It also facilitates in the absorption of iron for the prevention of anemia. Other sources of vitamin C include berries, tomatoes, kiwi and green leafy vegetables. Enjoy eating steamed oysters. Oysters are rich in zinc. Zinc is needed for the production of cells and repair of tissues. It also helps in the normal functioning of the immune system and the reproductive system. Zinc can also be found in other food sources such as beef and pork. To have a brighter and healthier eye, eat foods rich with vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene and lutein. These are all antioxidants that can decrease your risk of eye problems especially the age-related macular degeneration which can cause blindness as you grow old. It can all be taken from green leafy vegetables. Stay tuned for more tips...

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