Showing posts with label online advertising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label online advertising. Show all posts

Monday, September 3, 2012

Branding in the Marketplace...Don't take it Lightly.

Probably you have noticed that there are numerous companies competing for a single service. For instance, in athletic shoes alone, you will be able to count more than ten competitors. In the airline industry, there exist more than ten competitors in providing air travel services for travellers both inside and outside the United Kingdom.
By what method will you define one competitor from another competitor? this is where branding comes into action. In fact, that is one of the important yet unappreciated aspects of Internet marketing.
Before you will be able to understand the goal of branding on Internet marketing, let us first discuss the branding on conventional conduct of business. It is an advertising method that is used to spot the products or services of a seller or a group of sellers and differentiate it from those of other sellers offering the likewise products or services. Establishing a brand name for your own products or services will help you achieve the following:
1. Deliver the point clearly to the public about your reason of marketing your products or services;
2. Validate your credibility as an independent and reputable seller;
3. Stimulate your purchaser to patronize your products or services; and
4. Construct a concrete and loyal customer base.
In other words, the goal of branding is to give your products or services its own distinctiveness apart from other sellers offering the likewise products or services. You will only succeed in the investment you are into if you have established yourself as an independent and reputable seller through branding.
What are the ramifications of branding in your investment?
The brand of your products or services will rest among the hearts and minds of your customers and future clients. this will sway the way they patronize your products or services that can even result in the expansion of your customer base.
It is what the people will recollect about you. For instance, you have branded your pet products as “Pet Lovers”. Once the brand name is consistently patronized by the people, you will be able to achieve success and your lines will really have an edge above unbranded items.
As previously mentioned, branding is one of the most essential yet the most unappreciated aspects of Internet marketing, especially in terms of web advertising. Since nearly all advertising programs are focused on click-through rates (since it is the basis of earning through online-based affiliate programs), Internet marketers often neglect the significance of branding in terms of Internet marketing. This is somewhat unfortunate since the success of Internet marketing is additionally dependent on branding awareness. In other words, branding is essential in promoting the brand of the product or services of the affiliate. Without branding, there is no sense that the product or services you are endorsing will be in demand to your customers.
Keep in mind that your goal here is to earn money and not to lose any penny. Thus, it would be better if you will invest on branding-based Internet marketing. It is easy to promote products and services that are already famous to the public rather than unbranded ones.
However, you may additionally help building brand awareness of not well-known products or services that will help a lot in executing your online advertising successful. Here are a few of the strategies that you can use:
1. You may think of a brand name that will suit to the products or services of your customers. Such brand name should not be too formal yet too lousy to the eyes and ears of your customers. You may consist of interesting words that will produce the required “twist” to the name of the product or service.
2. Since a brand name is an intellectual property, you need to check with the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) if the brand name is already taken by somebody else. Once the selected brand name is still available, you will be able to apply for the registered patent of that brand name.
3. Once the patent has been approved, you want to consistently advertise the name so that it will improve popularity with prospective clients. You may additionally suggest to the merchants that the brand name needs to be advertised through various affiliate programs through the net for greater visibility.
Branding must not be taken for granted. It is one of the factors that will help you achieve success in Internet marketing. Keep it as your goal and stick with it along the course of your investment. Pingates

Monday, January 23, 2012

Putting the most powerful word in marketing to work for you!

There’s a word — a single word — which can fill
your coffers day after day. Smart marketers
triumph with it… while the also-rans scratch
their heads looking for the formula which
invariably yields those golden results.
You’ve simply got to know the word…and how
to use it ….] to make sale after sale and expand your
profits, even in dismal economic times.
Tah-dah! The all-powerful word is “free”!
Smart marketers know that the power of free
NEVER diminishes. People have always wanted…
and they will always want … free stuff.
Your task is to use the power of free to make
sales and increase profits…  while not fatally turning
into merely a dispenser of free stuff and nothing more.
Brain storm all the things you give away already
The truth is, right now you’re probably already doing
and/or giving away one thing after another… while not
getting any credit for them whatsoever. Whoa! This is
because you have not brain stormed what you do in
your business. In other words, you are now doing things
that could be leveraged into more sales… but you
either don’t know what they are…or haven’t even begun
to consider how to use them.
Here are some examples:
* free shipping.
* free product use instructions
* free customer service
* toll-free number
* free web site with all kinds of product use
instructions and examples
* free recipe booklet
* free articles
* free newsletter
* free catalog
* free ebook
* free blog
To create this list, you must be thorough and
take pains. This list will alter the way you do
business. You will no longer just do something…
you will do something and leverage it to make
more and faster sales. In short, you’ll market
the most intelligent way!
Sleuthing for List #2
In business to make money? Of course you are! That’s
why you need to start researching how other businesses
use the word “free.”
The great thing about business is that you can learn
from what others are doing, starting with but not
limited to people in your particular field. Of course
you want to know what your competitors are giving
away… but don’t think of limiting your researches to
them. Your task is to discover the best uses of “free”
by any company or organization whatsoever.
Keeping everything you find
Question! If you knew that doing something in your
business would produce constant profits, would
you treat that thing with the utmost care? You’re nodding
your head, aren’t you? “I’m no dummy. Of course I would.”
But the truth is… despite the fact that you KNOW
“free” works… your “free file” with all the pertinent
examples is still in your head and no where else,
right? Mistake!
Your free file is one of, if not the most important,
file in your business. No wonder! It contains exactly
what you need to profit… whenever you want to
profit. In short, your file and what’s in it are pure,
unadulterated magic.
Use “free” liberally
My dentist has a memorable poster on his wall.
Under a photo of a mouthful of decaying teeth it
says: “floss only the ones you want to keep.” Let’s use
the sense of this message to improve your marketing
“Use ‘free” only on days you want to profit”; in other
words, on every single day you’re in business.
Where should you put these offers?
* top of all marketing/sales letters
* email subject lines
* post script on all correspondence
* on business cards
* in brochures
* in your shop windows
* on bags and packing containers.
Get the picture? Use them EVERYWHERE and ALL
the time. You see marketing never stops, and that means
your use of “free” never stops either.
Keep tabs on what works…. and what doesn’t.
It’s important that you know what works… and what
doesn’t… in  your marketing. This means always
coding offers and/or (where you cannot tell yourself)
asking folks what they’re responding to. Always ask them!
Have your staff ask! Ask with a smile and get a million-dollar
response, the response that helps you determine what
to do and where to spend your time in future.
And, friend, start now. Don’t wait a single day to increase your
“free” repertoire and your use of this essential and
always special word. Remember, every day you use “free”
is golden!

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