Showing posts with label internet marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet marketing. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

EZ Wealth Network Review

By Mike Banacheck: I'm compelled to writing this review of EZ Wealth Network in response to many of the inquiries I have received over several months regarding the integrity...Being a successful online marketer for the better part of a decade I receive many requests regarding scores of online businesses as to the viability, integrity, legitimacy etc. The problem is that it's impossible to address all the concerns from the folks germane to online businesses cropping up by the millions, so it seems. Ergo, I must pick my spots (because time is money) in terms of breaking down an online business. Frankly, reviewing EZ Wealth Network is time well spent because indeed, there's quite a buzz surrounding it and I certainly believe in helping the folks make a wise decision in terms of moving forward with or without... Let me be clear on one thing I have absolutely no vested interest in this opportunity nor do I plan on having an interest, because I already have many irons in the fire insofar as my concerns go. But, by the same token there are millions of people who aren't successful online marketers or who are entertaining the idea of jumping in the deep end in terms of starting an online venture. What's more are in the dark in consonance with what's what on the internet in terms of having a fighting chance at creating an income that may turn into something that will liberate them in terms of their finances---namely "financial freedom". One of the central reasons I'm a successful online marketer is due to the fact that I'm a no nonsense guy that does not fall prey to all the bells and whistles in life let alone online business in all its manifestations. I'm a bottom line guy and all I ask of any online business? Is this a genuine opportunity that if I work it... I will have a real shot at seeing some solid results. Look, there are no guarantees of "get rich quick", "fire your boss", "quit your job in 30 days"---I think you get my drift...This is all marketing hype in order to hook you into the opportunity and separate you from your money---that's what advertising is for better or worse, and every business opportunity on the internet employs the same tactics in order to draw in potential customers. Don't let this kind of stuff excite you into making an emotional decision that you'll probably regret, and on the flip side don't let this stuff turn you off to the point of not making the correct decision in terms of moving forward with the opportunity. In the final anaylsis, what matters is the core concept and if it truly makes the grade, sales hype notwithstanding. The core concept of EZ Wealth Network is the question as to why you're here.... The answer is forthcoming posthaste. I like to keep my reviews short and sweet and to the heart of the matter, in other words no nonsense---I trust you'll appreciate my brevity. I spent a good deal of time over at the website and the first thing that struck me was the cogent and beneficial, but not wordy audio presentation that gave a brief overview of the program... That is to say, they did a good job captivating the potential customer into hanging around and taking the next step in terms of actually reading the website and becoming a customer---that's half the battle. Naturally, my next step was reading the website many times over and digesting the concept to the best of my ability. What I appreciate about the website in terms of presentation was that it was very clear and straightforward, just like the audio. What I appreciate even more and more importantly is that the fundamental concept is sound i.e., blog marketing---it's the wave of the future if it isn't already. A little secret that you may not be aware of; search engine algorithms are becoming more and more content driven which dovetails perfectly into blog marketing, therefore the people who are positioning themselves now will be rewarded...The people who are relying on the old SEO techniques will soon be kicked to the curb---pardon the expression. Eventually all roads will lead thru content driven marketing and this company has the foresight to understand this hard fact, and by virtue of this understanding are positioning themselves for major prosperity. Perhaps you are wondering the why and wherefores behind the mechanics of content driven marketing of which this company codifies? Well, I'm not going to bore you to tears with all the intricacies, but what I can submit to you is that this company is tapping into a massive  and burgeoning traffic source that will lead to many sales conversions ---the name of the game! So long as they stay true to the seminal concept of content driven marketing this company will be successful and will certainly be a dynamite opportunity for one and all. Moreover, the genius and beauty of this opportunity is that they have made it extraordinarily easy to take advantage of...Meaning all you have to do is plug in as a sharer or as a blogger and let them and the content driven algorithms of the search engines take over from there... Remember, no online business can guarantee you riches (that's marketing hype) only the opportunity to gain riches, and for a modicum of money you can tap into this resource and have a great chance at making some darn good money and maybe even get rich---that's all you can ask of any legitimate online business opportunity. For those folks who are balking at the money that you'll have to invest to take advantage of this opportunity I frankly feel like you need to reconsider your reservations because it really doesn't get much better than this in terms investment on the internet---look around and do some research and you'll categorically see that I'm on solid ground. For those folks who are dug in, in terms of the "price too much" you really need to get off the internet and stay with your day job, because you're crazy if you don't think you'll have to spend some money to make money on the internet and that's a cold hard fact that you had better come to grips with for sure. Online marketing is a tough business and viable opportunities are few and far between in respect to making money online. When one comes along you've got to strike while the iron is hot because the internet moves at the speed of light nowadays. Therefore, if you are seriously considering this particular online money making opportunity I highly recommend this online business for the aforementioned reasons. The bottom line: Blog marketing, content driven marketing or however you want to say it is here to stay...Inasmuch as old SEO techniques are out; blog marketing techniques are that much in and are becoming more effective and salient by the pico second. The companies that embrace this notion will stand a great chance at being successful and EZ Wealth Network is one of the companies that will, and for those folks who are plugged into the network they'll have a great chance too.  Click here to go to the website... Pingates

Monday, April 30, 2012

Don’t make the crucial customer disservice error Hale Groves is making. Pay attention! This article can save you thousands and a lot of customers, too.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s program note. Have you heard of a citrus company called Hale Groves of Vero Beach, Florida? If not, you must be living in a cave. Their marketing is everywhere and in all places, online and off. They’re spending the ransoms of two or three kings on it.
But the poobahs who run the place have made at least one crucial mistake: they haven’t tried to order their product…. and as I am here to tell you, the order takers they’ve got are most assuredly NOT in sync with the hot-shots in the marketing department. In other words, if it is not actually impossible to order some of their tasty product, it is very close to it.
That’s why I’m using as today’s incidental music The Supreme’s great tune “You keep me hanging on” because that’s what the folks at Hale Groves have done to me… each and every time I’ve ordered. You’ll find this1966 hit in any search engine. You can play it while you’re on hold…
Still, let’s get into the right mood for this situation… and what Hale Groves and every other dysfunctional marketing machine needs to do before they irritate too many more of the most important people on earth — good paying customers like me!
The facts.
My family has been buying from Hale Groves for decades… and no wonder. I grew up in the snow belt they call Illinois… I went to college in the snow belt they call Massachusetts… and when I graduated… having had insufficient punishment from snow, sleet, ice and attendant miseries, I stayed on in the very same snow belt that snuffed the Pilgrims.
One of the things that made it all bearable was Hale Groves and the utterly delectable citrus… and, of course, I love getting the free citrus spoons, too. I have a drawer full of them.
The Hale Groves shuffle.
I like to place my citrus orders, indeed all orders, by telephone. Like a good citizen, I have my credit card out… and the special offer I want; the offer I am sure the order taker will want to make sure I get. Like most Americans I order when deals are good and pass when deals are not. But the great thing about Hale Groves is that they always have an offer… and I am always pleased to consider it. I am a citrus freak…. and pink grapefruit are guaranteed to brighten any day or palate, especially when the temperature is below zero and I curse the day I heard of Harvard and a frigid place named Cambridge.
Order I would, if order I could.
The citrus season begins November 1, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Hale Groves will have a special offer in your hand, an offer so good you wouldn’t think of missing it. I want to see that offer… I want to take advantage of that offer IF Hale Groves will let me… for that is by no means a sure thing.
Because memory is imperfect, as I dial the number I find my last run-in with them is not the first thing in mind; instead I am tasting in my imagination their citrus perfection… but first I must pay my dues by holding. It is a rule.
Like all good Americans I hate holding…. not just hate it but despise and disdain it. I’d like a choice… hold forever or allow them to call me back in (so many minutes); techies can easily tell them how many: “Your call will be returned in 7.5 minutes sharp.”
Okay, I’m on hold… and second by second I am working up a good head of steam, the better to craft a snide comment that they well and truly deserve. I mean, I don’t begin to have the available time I have to wait for a competent order taker to emerge and assist me. Who does?
But my torments have not even begun…
Codes. Colors. Confusion. Choler.
“I’d like to place an order from a mailing I just received.” These are the words I am hoping I don’t soon regret.
“Do you have the offer there in front of you?”
I do… and I say so proudly, even defiantly because I am hopeful history is not about to repeat itself.
But we are, the order taker and I, about to enter the twilight zone in which the order I want to place… is the order the order taker cannot seem to take. And so The Rigmarole of ordering from Hale Groves well and truly begins, to the growing irritation of both parties.
“Sir, please give me the special order code.”
Code, code, find the code.
I have an envelope full of Hale Groves propaganda… colorful brochures… a special letter from their president extolling their many virtues… I do not see and cannot find a code… and what’s worse the order taker cannot direct me by uttering such reassuring words as “you’ll find the code in big red letters at the top of page 1.” Such essential words, calming to both parties, neither of us can find… and this is what that means.
It means some bright folks in the marketing department have not tried to order the product themselves… and have certainly never bothered to train the hapless order takers who are about to feel the sharp lash of my tongue because no one knows who’s on first and where to find that flippin’ code.
And so we sink into muddle, mayhem, a disordered morass. If this were a dance it would be a tango… and that for an order process is completely unacceptable.
Finally, I say what I should have said at the first sign of trouble. “Why don’t you take down my telephone number and call me when you’ve discovered where the code is?’ But my tenacious order taker won’t let go, won’t do the sensible thing and will not proceed with the matter of doing what we both want: placing the order. In other words getting that code, no matter that neither she nor I could find it, had become more important than satisfying the customer. And that’s why this order “process” is such a mess.
But it got even worse…
The order taker, unable to direct me to the code, put me on extended hold while she quizzed her colleagues about the location of that code. No one knew, which meant no one had thought it useful to instruct them on this matter… and so while I smoldered they, with every passing minute, proved that the one hand in marketing didn’t know and hadn’t bothered to advise the other in the order department, thereby generating bad feelings instead of the satisfied customer both parties wanted.
Again, I advised the clueless order taker to take my number and call me back when she was organized and ready. But the poor woman had been instructed, perhaps with severity, to get the code upon pain of death. And she could not, would not get beyond this trifling matter… and so the matter ended in stand-off, no order, no business, and no future.
Hale Groves will now bombard me for years with sales messages and tempting offers, too, too little, too late. For I have now discovered an excellent product from Del Monte, Red Grapefruit, SunFresh. No hassle. No waiting. Already peeled. And no need to deal with the misnamed order takers at Hale who, when needed, could not have been less ready. Which is why I suggest you try to order what you sell. It could well be your weakest link. Oh, yes, and call me to finish my order.
*** Your response to this article is requested. What do you think? Let us know by posting your comments below.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What to Expect from an Online Moneymaking Opportunity

There is no limit to the number of online business opportunities right now. So many of them are vying for space out here on the Internet that it becomes difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff. However, you don’t want to waste your time and money looking for the right opportunity. You have to be discerning here. The following are some things that you need to look for.
Get Hold of a Proven Method
Though there might be umpteen methods to make money online, the one you should choose is something that has been proven. Visit online discussion boards and use social networking groups to find people who have really made money online and see how they did that. Try to use those methods. You may choose something like an SEO business, for example, or an affiliate marketing business. These are things that people have really made money from.
You Need a Mentor
Everyone starts sometime, just as you are starting with your online business right now. That’s all right, but things will go much more smoothly for you if you are able to get hold of a mentor. Your mentor should be someone who is interested in Internet marketing and has already made money from it. Only such a person can coach you in the right methods and techniques that you can use to earn your wealth on the Internet.
What Tools Will You Use?
Internet marketing is a very huge term; it includes a lot of things. There are several tools and features that you can use to make money through the Internet. So, what tools is your chosen method going to use? Does it talk to you about SEO, about blogging and article marketing, about using social networking websites, about using autoresponders, about generating email lists, about product branding and purchasing resell rights? These are all the things that you should take a look at. Look at the technique of the thing. The most important thing is that you need to be convinced with what methodology they are planning to implement.
Are the Methods All Legit?
This is a very important thing to check. You don’t want to be part of a scam and get embroiled in a legal tussle for no fault of yours. Hence, when you are choosing a method on the Internet, don’t be swayed by those get-rich-quick schemes that sound too good to be true. Most times, they are illegal and can get you in trouble. Also, when you are using methods to promote your business on the Internet, stay on the legitimate side. For instance, when using SEO, try to make sure that you use one of the white hat methods. These are some of the basic things that you have to bear in mind when you are trying to choose any opportunity to make money online. An important ingredient is, of course, the right education. There are many fantastic ecourses available right now that you can take advantage of. It is always good sense to attend a good SEO course, because this is what becoming popular on the Internet is all about.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How to get thousands and thousands of responses to your blog… and what to do when you get ‘em.

by Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Of course you already have a blog, right? You are, I mean, on the cutting edge of the Internet, yes?
Well, if you are still blog-less today is indeed your lucky day, because I am going to show you right here, right now how to use your blog to get not a few but a positive avalanche of the best prospect leads on earth. And the great thing is, you can start today, this very minute.
Now affirm and reaffirm this: when you’re in business, running a business blog, the objective is and always will be to generate terrific prospect leads… and follow them up to make money.
It’s easy to forget the objective when you’re publishing a blog which can all too easily be seized by the shear joy and vanity of seeing your name in print. Folks, if you need lovin’ and crave adulation get a dog. They give unqualified affection. But don’t subvert the purpose of your blog.
Nothing sells itself, absolutely nothing.
I have amongst my marketing students some of the very brightest people around… and when they make a mistake, I know the pedestrian run of mankind and marketers are making it, too, in spades.
One of the most rooted errors of these folks is the pernicious, invidious notion that their blog and its contents will sell themselves; that what they are promoting and selling in their blogs needs no introduction, nor powerful words of recommendation; it’s good enough on its lonesome.
In a word: rubbish! In two words: complete rubbish!
Dear friend, there is nothing in this world, not the policies and messages of presidents, popes, and sovereign kings; not the very finest example of the most potent of salubrious medications; not the safest swiftest modes of transportation…. absolutely nothing sells itself.
Once you have realized this essential truth of business, you enter a new, higher level of commerce and marketing… for you are now a puffer in the Great Age of Puffery…. and your daily objective is clear: to puff better, more artfully, more carefully, more successfully than any other puffers on this planet. He (or she) who puffs the most, the best, reaps the most.
Thus, say you intend tomorrow to publish a jim dandy article on some subject of note and significance. The duffer puffer, the one on the bottom of the marketing heap, merely publishes the article, with this unvoiced sentiment: “Here’s the article. Make of it what you will. I can’t be bothered to tell you why you should read it… perhaps I don’t even know.”
And some dare call this marketing.
Now, try this instead…
(puff the day before you publish the article.)
Tomorrow, you readers have an incredible gift coming. I persuaded internationally known author and commentator Dr. Jeffrey Lant to let me have, in advance of publication, his latest article. It details the truth about the relationship of Snow White with those with-it guys, the 7 Dwarfs. You won’t believe what one of the most perceptive commentators around has discovered about Snow… and those Dwarfs. Can you say ‘Happy.’ You certainly will tomorrow….”
With these fast-moving words, you are keeping your audience, your present and future customers all, on the very edge of their seats. You want them in a pother of anticipation and excitement about What Happens Next. You, cleverkins, are ascending in the crucial business of puffery; selling the sizzle, not the steak. And you’re frolicking all the way to the bank.
Remember, puffing is not something occasional or episodic. It is not merely one essential thing in marketing; it is the essential thing and it must be regarded accordingly… from this moment on. Let me make this point absolutely, crystal clear:
If you want to sell a product, you must puff it.
If you want to sell your service, you must puff it.
If you want a person to read your blog, you must puff it.
If you want that same person to read an article in that blog, you must puff it.
Get the picture?
A few more hints
Your puffs must appear prominently in your blog, at least 1 at the top of the first page.
They must be short, enticing, action oriented. They must radiate a single imperative message: Look at all you get, look how delicious it is, grab it, grab it now…’
Here’s another example.
“Wow! I’m ecstatic to tell you that I’ve snagged another one of Dr. Lant’s superb articles. Yesterday nearly 400 of you smarties emailed me with your thanks, congratulations, and sincere appreciation for his last insightful article. Now I’ve got another for you. Stay tuned… you’ll have it in just HOURS. Make sure to email me at once with your reactions and compliments… it’s another winner!!! You can reach me by email (email address here); cell phone (number here)… or land line (number here.) And I want to hear from each and EVERY one of you!”
You must get on with the essential business of puffing each and every day, without exception, that you want money.
And, I guarantee you, that as you improve in your puffery, you will improve your prospect responses, dramatically.
And your bottom line? Why that will improve, too, and dramatically so if and only if you follow up each and every response, as quickly as possible, with a special offer. In other words, thank the respondents, thank them as soon as possible… and always give them a thing (or two) which makes you money. Thus are you benefited as you benefit your fast-responding prospects.
There are many things, of course, which factor into consummate blog success. They include
* having good content, interesting, practical, timely;
* publishing according to a schedule, never missing a deadline;
* writing directly to your readers, always using “you”;
* keeping every word of text short, peppy, upbeat,
* and, always and forever, every single day, puffing.
Because if you don’t puff, if you do not encourage, recommend, admonish, excite, and motivate you are leaving the crucial act of marketing in the hands of those least able to discern for themselves what to do. That decision must be yours. You and only you must advance the necessary reasons for acting as you want them to act. That crucial aspect of marketing belongs to you… and you must do this every time you want results. Like today.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 tellltale signs you’re not really interested in business success… you just like talking about it.

By Dr. Jeffrey Lant
Author’s program note. This is one of the dozens of articles I’ve written about success. All are prescriptive, honest, detailed… the kind of articles you use a refrigerator magnet to post for the one in your house who talks the best game about success… but never does what’s necessary to achieve it. (That could be YOU!)
I’m writing this report for those who engage mouth… but nothing else.
Who try to make you feel small by always prattling on about the BIG things they mean to achieve… but somehow never do.
These people need help and they need it instantly. I aim to provide it… and I’m going to call on the spirit of Harry S. Truman, once president of the United States, to assist. I’m in a big pro-Truman phase right now, not least because I’m again reading one of the best written and most intelligent presidential biographies, David McCullough’s “Truman.” It is so rich I only permit myself to read a bit every day, because I know how good it is and how distressed I’ll be at its conclusion.
For this article’s theme music I’ve selected Paderewski’s Minuet in G, a piece Truman knew well; Paderewski himself had shown Truman how to play it… and on one memorable evening during the Potsdam conference of 1945, he played it to the most distinguished audience in the world, headed by the other two of the “Big Three”, Stalin and Churchill. The elegant music of another, more graceful age incongruously rose into the night air drifting over the macabre ruins of prostrate Berlin. You’ll find it in any search engine. Play it now.
Getting on with the job.
Harry Truman was one of the most quintessentially American presidents the Great Republic has ever had. He was hard-working, conscientious to a fault, direct speaking, humble about himself but determined to improve America and the world using the powers of the office he venerated, and graced. He had the profound American belief that problems were not obstacles, but challenges… and that they could be solved, all of them, if folks just got down to the essential business of solving them.
His approach, of course, might have been so very different. Being President of the United States, he could have pontificated in endless wordiness about what he was going to do… then returned to the White House to play the poker he loved with the buddies who made him laugh and relax, promises forgotten.
Or he could, following in the footsteps of one of the most revered of leaders, Franklin Roosevelt, give way to feelings of inadequacy, a man of slender skills dwarfed by one of history’s giants. But he didn’t go this direction either, despite a famously indiscrete toast by Winston Churchill who said, “I must confess, sir, I held you in very low regard. I loathed your taking the place of Franklin Roosevelt.” With friends like these… Untimely delivered to be sure, but a sentiment the majority of the American people shared with Churchill and which they, along with Churchill, changed as they came to know the man and his methods better. Then, Churchill rendered his revised opinion thus:
” ‘He is a man of immense determination. He takes no notice of delicate ground, he just plants his foot down firmly upon it’. To make his point, Churchill jumped a little off the wooden floor and brought both bare feet down with a smack.”
Now, be honest, would anyone call you a person of “immense determination” with an acute desire to solve problems and a practical willingness to do so as soon as possible? We have now arrived at the moment of truth, where you need to be a person of total veracity and integrity. Can you rise to this absolutely essential level? If so, it’s time to transform your habits so that you can create success after success; to start having and quit merely talking about it.
1) Shift from talking about to actually having success.
So, when was your last success? The longer ago the date you now provide, the bigger your problem. Successful people are starkly “now” oriented. They won’t tell you about the successes of years ago; the successes that matter are the ones of recent date. Thus, just how far back you have to go to find a meaningful success constitutes a very clear indication of just how big a problem you have.
2) You must be confident enough about your judgement to make decisions.
Successful people are decision-making people. They know that the achievement of success, then the maintenance and expanding of this success is a function of not just hundreds, but thousands of decisions:
Should I buy this inventory at this price, or not?
Should I invest the company’s assets in an interest paying account for this amount of time, or not?
Should I inform this very difficult customer that my firm cannot handle her business anymore, or not?
Should I fire this, hire this, advance this, demote this particular individual, or not?
Review the life and condition of any successful person, and you will see a steady increase in the number and importance of decisions made. Leadership, prosperity, success is all about the ability to make complicated decisions without regret, without second guessing yourself.
3) Successful people will work with you to work things out.
There is a marvelous phrase in the Bible that says simply, “Come now, let us reason together.” (Isaiah 1-18) This is precisely what successful people do. Of course, they want to make the best deal, but they realize the best deal contains substantial benefits for the people they are negotiating with; in other words, it is mutually beneficial. If the parties are mutually content, the deal is not only satisfactory for now, but keeps the door open for subsequent deals. And this is the best deal of all.
4) Successful people know the point, grasp the point, and keep their eyes and mind on the point.
Successful people are focused people. Life, already short, cannot be wasted; carpe diem is their motto, guide, and objective. They know that this day will end; that is a given. What is not a given is what benefits they have garnered from the day. The fact of a day is God-given; what happens in that day is determined by each of us. People who talk about tomorrow, next week, next month are fooling themselves and are rightly shunned and disregarded by people who regard procrastination, sloth, and inertia as completely unacceptable and root them out accordingly.
5) Successful people anticipate what people they are working with might need and gather it in advance.
Successful people are perceiving people, thinking people, aware people. They brainstorm options and are thoughtful about what may happen and how to prepare for it, for the ease and comfort of all.
Is this how you are? Or are you always a part of the problem, never part of the solution?
In this regard, consider what Floyd Boring, one of President Truman’s secret service agents, said about him:
“He never came on as being superior. He could talk to anyone! He could talk to the lowly peasant. He could talk to the King of England… And that was, I think, his secret.. He never got swellheaded — never got, you know, swagly.”
Ask yourself if anyone will ever regard you this way… and work hard to make sure they do.

Please Share This.Thank You.

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